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The Oslo School of Architecture and Design - PhD by Practice : International Seminar

  • The Oslo School of Architecture and Design Maridalsveien 29, 0175 Oslo Norway (map)

PhD by Practice – AHO Spring 2019

International Seminar, AHO Gallery, 21-22 May 2019

Three projects in architectural practice.

This group exhibition and international seminar form part of the AHO PhD by Practice in Architecture. Exhibition and project presentations by Espen Vatn, Luis Callejas and Hugh Strange outline the aims, areas of insight and proposed forms of mediation for three coming PhD by Practice projects.

With guest critics:

Elizabeth Hatz, University of Limerick,

Alexander Lehnerer, ETH Zurich

Alessandra Ponte, Universitée de Montréal

Thomas Tsang, University of Hong Kong